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Advice For Parents of a Boy

As a mother of a teenage boy, I often struggle to find advice and guidance for parenting my son. I found that my son was not displaying any signs of emotions, and I often struggled with resolving conflict with him. This article will help you find that guidance, as well as books you should read and relationships you...

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Parenting a Boy – How to Overcome the Challenges

If you're unsure about the challenges of parenting a boy, consider reading a parenting book. Whether you're a first-time mom or are familiar with the struggles of raising boys before, you can benefit from this guide. Parenting Boys by Monica Swanson shares the encouragement and advice she gained from her own experiences. Swanson shares her experiences with raising...

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The Best Tips For Parenting a Boy

Raising a boy requires different parenting methods than raising a girl. As psychologist Steve Biddulph points out, a boy needs a different type of mentor than a girl. Here are some tips for parenting a boy. Educate him to use proper words to describe his problems. Encourage him to listen to other people's feelings. It is important to...

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Tips for Parenting a Boy

If you want to make parenting a boy easier, consider these tips. Boys often feel that their parents expect them to swallow their emotions and suppress their feelings. Instead, allow your boy to express himself and label his feelings. It's important to help him develop a sense of responsibility, and to help him understand that his emotions will...

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Types of Parenting Education

Getting a parenting education can be a great way to improve your skills as a parent. You can choose a general parenting education program or one that targets specific issues. Whatever your needs are, there are many great programs available. Read on to learn more about the many different types of parenting education available. Listed below are some...

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Easy Tips for Becoming Cool Parents

Parenting is not an easy task; it is a full-time job and responsibility, and what do they say about responsibility? Great responsibility comes great power; yeah, the statement quoted is wrong, but it is right in parenting. Parents have a lot of responsibility and power to exert on their children to keep them on the right track. Exercising...

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